
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


God’s Miraculous Restoration ContinuesI understand on such short notice that you may or may not be able to attend our wedding ceremony, but I want to share our news with you—and what God wants to do in your life, too!
Wedding InvitationOn March 3, less than two weeks from now, Suzanne and I will stand before God and our family members as we celebrate the restoration of our marriage in a ceremony conducted by our dear friends Dr. Jack Hayford and evangelist Reinhard Bonnke!
Mainly, I want you to receive this good news, because our Lord Jesus has done a great and miraculous thing in our lives, together and individually. Suzanne and I are more in love and happier than ever. Most importantly, we know that the hand of God has brought this about, and to Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise!
I can tell you that the love we shared as a young couple has been restored—even magnified—beyond anything we could have imagined! The Lord has surely answered your prayers and ours, and we are more in love now than ever, as Suzanne has become my closest and sweetest friend. We’re having more fun together than I can ever remember.
We are excited about the future, and sharing our vows together in the March 3 ceremony has been the perfect next step toward our spending the rest of our lives together!
Dear partner, it is with deep emotion and a full heart that I write these words. Thank you, thank you, thank you for praying for my sweet family, Suzanne, and me! It is because of your prayers, intercession, and love that we are where we are today.
Greatest Partners, Deepest Gratitude, Best Days Ahead
I am convinced that God has given this ministry the greatest partners in the world! You are precious to us.
Everywhere I’ve been and made the announcement of our upcoming restoration ceremony, crowds have applauded, cheered, and even wept. As recently as this past week in Brazil, 50,000 people stood and cheered when I made the announcement.
I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am. Over the past year, I have been told repeatedly of how people prayed for Suzanne, me, and our family—even when we held little hope of getting back together. So I want to express my gratitude to you, from the bottom of my heart. God has truly answered your prayers!
A New Season of Ministry
At the same time that we are rejoicing for this amazing miracle in our marriage and hearts, God has spoken very clearly that He is adding a new dimension to our ministry, focusing more on people, marriages, and homes that are hurting and need healing, as ours did during such a desperate time in our lives.
I truly believe that we are entering a season where we will see God anointing in an unprecedented way! We believe, as we move forward, that through our ministry God will not only save souls and heal bodies but will also heal families.
Your miracle is on its way!
Whether you are faced with personal or physical challenges or “mountains” in your home, the God we serve is mightier than might. He is truly “able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20).
Never give up! That is the secret for victory.
Honestly, I almost gave up. Suzanne almost gave up. In our heart of hearts, we saw little or no hope. Humanly speaking, it seemed absolutely impossible. The disaster that took place in our life is because we did nearly give up. But God never gave up on us, and He will never give up on you.
The “Impossible” Made Possible
Don’t give up! Your miracle is on its way! There are people praying for you. I am praying for you. Your “impossible” struggle will be turned into victory!
Dear partner, I found from experience how devastating it is to live with “impossible” challenges. Divorce is an insidious thing, and it was the devil’s plan to shipwreck my life. But he failed, and he failed miserably. As we went through our divorce, I discovered that it removed three things from our lives:
  1. God’s favor—Scripture tells us, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22).
  2. Protection and cover—We experienced the enemy attacking us in ways we had never experienced before.
  3. Companionship—Without my wife I experienced immense loneliness. At times I felt as though the walls were closing in, and I wrestled through the night with an overwhelming sense of loneliness. God offered an ideal plan for our companionship when He said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18).
But just as it has been for me, God’s Word proclaims, “His grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Because of God’s grace, He will restore your home, your favor, your protection, your fellowship with Him, and so much more. Your peace will return.
A New Season of Ministry and Extraordinary Miracles
Suzanne and I have seen this happen in our lives. I’ve also seen a new intensity of favor and restoration in this ministry, as I recently stood before 50,000 people in Manaus and watched as God literally took over.
One testimony from that historic service will be remembered forever, especially by Pastor Jim Cernero who was there to lead worship and minister. As the anointing began falling, he walked out among the audience. When God told me to instruct the people, “Put your hands on that part of the body that is being healed,” Jim noticed that a young girl placed her hands over her eyes.
Then she suddenly removed her hands, and her face lit up. It was unmistakable what had happened. He spoke through a Portuguese interpreter, asking what took place. Jim held up two fingers, then three, then all five—and she could see and identify them clearly. He walked around and asked her to follow him, and she did so perfectly. He then brought her up to the platform so everyone could share that great miracle.
Legally blind, the girl could see nothing in the past but shadows. Jim related what had happened to the crowd, but the story was already apparent to all who saw that beautiful girl’s radiant face and the look in her eyes. She had been healed by God’s power!
In an instant, her life was transformed, much in the same way that Paul’s temporary blindness was healed nearly 2,000 years ago. It lifted everyone’s faith to the heavens, and people are still talking about that little girl’s mighty miracle in Manaus.
God is ready to do the “impossible” in your life!
In fact, I am placing a link with this message to you today, asking you to take a few moments to send us your most urgent and “impossible” prayer requests. With all my heart, I will pray for your family and any need you may have.
We are in a supernatural season of answered prayer, and I want you to be part of this mighty anointing! I will stand in agreement with you in prayer for God to work restoration miracles in your life.
As you send your urgent requests, I encourage you to also plant your seed-gift, taking a step of faith, knowing that God will reward your obedience.
This Supernatural SeasonWe are in a time of restoration, and I am confident that God will restore everything in your life—plus, plus, plus! He has done the “impossible” in our family, and I know He will do the “impossible” in your life too. I have enormous faith for your restoration miracle, and I know God is about to come through for you just as he did for me.
Step out in faith and be part of this great restoration. As He speaks to you today, sow a generous seed into the fertile soil of this worldwide ministry.
Every spiritual act demands a physical act. When you receive Jesus Christ into your heart, God requires a public confession of faith. When you want to be healed, you must reach out and receive. You must make a point of contact. You must act in faith, whether you desire a spiritual, emotional, physical, or financial miracle!
Likewise, supernatural financial restoration and healing require a natural act. It requires a step of faith. And that step is giving! Be a faithful giver, and you will be amazed at the results.
Just as my family has seen a resurrection from death unto life, you, too, can receive a resurrection miracle today.
Because you have stood with me in the past, I am counting on you to stand with Suzanne and me, both today and in the future, to take the life-saving and miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ to a hurting and desperate world of souls who are facing their own “impossible” situations.
With your seed-gift today, be sure to send us your “impossible” prayer requests.
We know that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).
No power can resist the name of Jesus, for God has “given him a name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9). In His name, I am praying that your “impossible” miracle will take place.
Sow today and expect, expect, expect! YOUR MIRACLE IS COMING!!
May God bless you mightily for the most generous gift you can give during this critical time. Give to the Lord your best seed-gift today, and be prepared for His blessings, for we know it is “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6)…
Preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ,
teaching the unchanging Word of God, and
expecting the mighty and miraculous
power of the Holy Spirit

Benny Hinn

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